iBS Accounting Management System

The old-fashioned manual accounting model was very inconvenient for several reasons: double-entry bookkeeping is laborious, and the process of recording a sale from the point of sale to when it hits the books may involve several steps and several different pieces of software. Now, by using our “Smart Financial Accounting Management System”, you can easily handle invoices, financial statements and trial balance, etc. When preparing your accounts and tax return. It avoids errors in the process, makes better use of your time, streamlines operations and enhances efficiency.


  • Settlement Function

    Provides settlement wizard function for AR and AP

  • Bank Reconciliation

    Easily reconcile your accounts against your bank statements

  • User Privileges

    Flexible user access rights control system

  • Multi-Currency Support

    Supports multi-currency display in financial statements

  • Anytime Reporting

    View crucial accounting statements & reports at any time, even after year-end accounts process

  • Flexible Accounting Period

    Up to 12-accounts period per year and unlimited period table define


(852) 2851 7882

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