Upgrade to TPOS Professional Version

*A1-Buy [Q1] Items get[Q2]items free

*A2-Buy [Q1] Items with [P1]…

*B5-All Items of price & disc group [G1]

*B6-All Items of disc group [G1]

*C1-Consume more than or equal to [P1] Rebate [P2]

* Quotation ; Sales Order ; Wholesales Invoice ; Delivery Note

* Purchase Order ; GRN ; Purchase Return

* Transfer Note ; Stock Adjustment ; Safety Level Control Report

* Stock Take ; Stock Adjustment

TPOS Single Store Upgrade Chain Store

* With 2x Shops, 2x Users and 1x Warehouse

* Supports Multi-Location access from anywhere

* With 2x Locations, 2x Users

* Supports Multi-Location access from anywhere

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